D - 42 - Home is where the heart is

D - 42 - Home is where the heart is .

In my “own chair” at home 

Be it our old country of origin , Zimbabwe or our new adopted home country New Zealand there is no doubt that “home is where the heart is”.

So today we returned home to our “Wobble Inn”.

Woke early after unsettled night again obviously “chomping at the bit” to get going.

Packed the car and hit the road. Managed to drive around two thirds of way home ( got as far as Waipu) before fatigue set in and handed the “paddle” over to Renene to get us home.

Great news received as we drove into home town KeriKeri was to receive notification the application to drug company for funded access to immunotherapy drug Durvulamab had been acccepted. Now we wait the further next steps . We will have to wait 4 - 6 weeks post chemo and radiation to commence . Here I attach a link to how this new drug works against the cancer.

So good to drive through the gate and receive a Artois welcome from the two younger dogs and a more measured “ so your are back “ from old Matriach Dotty..

Paddocks and verge are long and quite dry but we are surprised that in general garden remains quite green and we have not lost any of our recent new plantings despite the dearth of rain.

Look forward to the “first sleep”. in our own bed.

Most grateful to house sitter Shelley and subsequently Renene’s folks Prop and Rina for looking after our property whilst we gone . Also to our amazing neighbour Lauren who kept a close supervisory eye  and sometimes “ save the day” overall “watch “ for us.


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